You would not believe how much fun I am having. I am so busy. And I love it! It's not like I have many, many things to do, they just take up a lot of time. I wake up at seven, and go running at eight. Go to work at nine thirty, get off at one thirty, go work with horses at two, and get home around five. Then I stay up until ten doing worthless things like watching TV.
But I have not blogged in what seems like forever. I can't even remember. I know what I did with my horses around that time though. Aleythia and I took Dash and Frosty on a trail ride! It was fun. We headed out of town towards the fair grounds. I got bucked off. I was riding Dash. She got scared of a white cardboard box laying on the ground. And naturally Frosty goes right up to it, bites it, and then steps on it.
We reached the train tracks and followed the train tracks down through grass that was too the fillies' withers until we were in the very back of the fair grounds. We cantered down there. Then we went back to the train tracks and followed them to the Rosen farm. We visited MD and she got to ride Frosty in the pasture. Frosty was great. Then my mom stopped by and told us she was having a picnic so we rode over to where she was having the picnic, which was on our way home, tied the horses to a tree, and had a picnic. That whole trip took about 4 hours.
The next day I couldn't get Dash to move willingly. Two weeks before fair, and I can't get her to move. I gave her a couple of days off. But I think she just doesn't see that much point to riding around in the paddock. She has more of a work horse attitude. I ponied her off of Santana on a really short trail ride, just to see how she was feeling. She went perfectly. Walk, trot, and canter. So today I tried to give her more of a job. We set out some cones, and layed a blanket on the fence. I'm going to work more on teaching her barrel racing and pole racing. She might enjoy that a little more. She was moving a lot more willing. I got off and Terry comes out with a bag full of pop cans. So I had her drag that around while I led her. She was an old pro by the time I called it good.
Toffy is getting pretty good. Mostly I am really working on the shoulder control with her. I'll make a post about it on "From the Back of a Horse".
Oh we got rain that day too. Dash was trotting along, and we were turning. She slid, and fell. I fell off her left side, and she landed on my left foot. We both sat there for a second contemplating what just happened, then I got up, and told her, "come on, get up." She sat there for another second contemplating whether she really wanted to get up or not, then got up. My foot was fine. It hurt a little like if you sprained your ankle. I woke up this morning, and could barely walk. And I was gunna go running. Like seriously, I really wanted to go running. Ughhh! "Dear Lord, please help my foot to get better. Amen."