Monday, September 24, 2012


Poor Misstack.
I was talking with H and was telling her that Misstack gets freaked out about a plastic bag being around her head. She just moves so fast that it's hard to keep up. H suggested tying a bag to her halter... That is pure brilliance.
We did just that. We poked a few holes in a plastic bag and treaded some twine string through it. Held the bag scrunched up and tied it to Misstack's halter. Took off the lead rope, undid the bag a little bit and walked quickly away. We were expecting some fireworks but for like five minutes she didn't do anything. She wasn't comfortable with it, but she wasn't scared. Then the wind picked up. She ran straight through the herd bumping into Santana and promptly got kicked at. After that she was pretty much fine. So we tied the bag inbetween her ears. It took a little while for the wind to pick up but when it did she spun around trying to get away and ran around the herd this time. Then we kinda left her be and after a while she started grazing again.
Aleythia got on Ana bareback and bridleless and first I want to say that getting on a horse without any protection or control over it is stupid. It is more than likely that you will get hurt. So aleythia and I are stupid and we got on with no protection and very little control. Ana knows a little bit of leg pressure. For being the most hyper I trust her alot more than any of the other horses. I will have to say that if the fillies were rideable I would trust them more than Ana.
Lately with Misstack I have been doing mini trail rides. She doesn't like to be in front when trailriding and her confidence is pretty much nonexistant. She's really spooky. I am happy to announce that she has started to get a little bit better with every trail ride. Every time I ride her I will ride her as far as I feal we can get. The first time it was three-quarters of the way down the fence. The second it was barely past the fence. What we will do is ride to a certain place, either as far as she will willingly go or when I feal that she has been doing really good. I'll get off, walk her at least 20 more feet, losen the cinch and give her the apple I put beneath the cantle on my saddle. We stand there a little while and then I'll lead her back to the barn. I also put extra emphasis on her staying behind me when I'm leading her. If she does get in front of me I will immediatley back her up quickly then go forward again. I will give credit for most of the things I am currently doing with Misstack to Mugwump Chronicles.
The fillies are doing well too. Well, as far as training. Now Toffy has ringworm. But we just wanted to catch them the last time we were out there and they all let us come up to them, throw the lead rope over their neck and put the halter on. I can x leading off my goals for the fillies and catching.

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