Saturday, November 3, 2012

Just Smart

Toffy is doing well. Terry said she layed down, but they're still young and need to lay down once in a while, so I'm not worried.
I was discussing with Terry what we still had to do before we started riding more frequently. We still have to do loneging, walk, trot, and canter. We will teach them how to move their hindquarters away from the pressure of our leg. We'll teach it by using our fist and the stirrups. We'll also teach sidepassing. Then when we get all that done we'll teach them how to respond to a bit. Terry said that we could longline them. That way we wouldn't have to get on them to teach it and we could teach them how to pull a cart. I am looking forward to that. It will give us something to work on while they grow up a little bit.
Terry was commenting on how "dead" the fillies were. They take everything we put infront of them with minimal fuss and just don't mind it Terry said that he raised around 24 foals and none of them were as quiet as these four. But we figure it's probably because he raised the hottheaded horses. Like saddlebreds. And to tell you the truth these fillies may be really quite, but they are smart and sensitive. Aleythia can just look at Dash's hind legs and she will move them over. When I'm loneging Toffy, I will point the direction I want her to go and she will pivot on her back feet in that direction. Those horses are pretty awesome. They like attention too.

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