Friday, December 28, 2012

Cowgirls Dont Cry Part II

So, lets see...
I thought of another thing with Santana.
I was in the paddock with all the other horses and I think I wanted Santana to stand still when I walked up to him to say hello. You see he would always walk away with a very unpleasant expression on his face. Like he wanted to be left alone.
Well when he started walking away I followed him and then he turned around and bit me. Oooh he got it. I was lucky in the fact that it was the middle of winter so I was wearing my winter coat. I didn't realize until I got home that he had actually torn my jacket. So, now there's a cute little horsey right where the tear is. I actually don't have that coat anymore though.
That story reminds me of Flicka.
I was in her stall doing who knows what and all the sudden she lays her ears back and bites me. Curious how I've only been bit by a horse when I'm wearing a coat. I slapped her nose good and hard for that. Never had a problem sense. Ya know almost all the baby horsies have to try that on you at least once. A few of the fillies have tried it, but it wasn't very hard and a slap on the nose gets them over it real quick.
Flicka also tried to kick me once. I was with Aleythia and a boy who was in the same class as me. Fifth grade maybe? Well, we were out in the alfalfa field and I have no idea why but Flick bucked out at me. It never came in contact but I felt the air of her hoof flying past my face.
I also remember falling off Flicka riding bareback and I think Aleythia was leading her. I think we were leading her away from the horses and by that time she had learned that we couldn't keep her from running away so she bucked me off and ran back to the herd. That's the only time I can ever remember falling off Flicka.

Blacky was always fun. She was the first horse I ever rode and man was she a handful. It took some muscles to get her to slow down. She has always worn a hackmore and she definitely tried to get away with as much as she could. I probably fell of her much more often than I can remember. The only one I can remember though is because of her saddle. She wore a little pony saddle and it didn't really fit that well. Cinch it up as tight as you want it'll still end up crocked. It never helped that she had a lot of hair either. I was riding along and the saddle was slipping. I fell off because I couldn't get the saddle upright again and she ran off with the saddle upsidown on her back. That's one of the reasons we want the fillies used to the saddle beneath them. It's less dangerous if there at least not afraid of the saddle beneath them.

We've had trouble with Ana's saddle doing the same thing. We've tried almost four of our saddles on her and maybe this last one is finally gunna work. Before that the saddle would always slip. Cantering was the worst. I've never fallen off because of it, but man it could get pretty far.
Have I ever told you how scary Ana is to ride bareback? Seriously. So first you're riding this horse that doesn't really have breaks and has very little concern for you falling off. Her trot is floaty. It's really nice to watch not so much to ride bareback. Once you master it though it it a lot of fun. The first time I tried riding her bareback outside was really scary. All she wanted to do was trot and I was not ready for that. I just did an emergency dismount and went back in the barn to ride. I've done that dismount maybe twice.
There was one time I was riding her in the pasture and I was having a really bad time. So, finally I just let her go. We were heading back to the barn and she just ran. It rivaled Santana. And it would have been fun if I hadn't of felt like I was seeing my life flash before my eyes. My seat was pricarious and adrenalin was just pumping through me like electricity. Heightened by the fact that we were running straight towards the barn wall and I wasn't sure how I would get her throught that tiny little gate back into the paddock without killing myself. I was also underneath trees and some of those branches were low. It was alright because I think when we were really close to that wall she slowed down a tinsey little bit and I was able to turn her and avoid going through that stupid little gate.

And then there's Misstack. I've been bucked off by her once, but oh can I tell you about the stories of what she's done to other people.
The one time she bucked me off is one you probably already know. I was trailriding with Aleythia and Aleythia's horse, Ana, wanted to go faster. Of course. I didn't want Misstack to go faster though and she did. Not a good combination. It resulted in her getting into a trot, me pulling back, and then her bucking. I hit the ground on my back. Got up and walked around a little bit. That was not a good feeling. I was fine though so I gave Misstack a little bit of a lesson in manners and got back on.
She also doesn't like it when I ask her for a sharp turn when she wants to gallop. She bucked then too. I stayed on though.
Another thing she did was when my older brother came to ride. I saddled up three horses for him. Misstack included. She was a doll actually. She didn't do anything stupid and she was actually really nice. I figured she would be. If she's in a familiar place she's a perfect little angel. Sorta. Well my older brother suggested that we ride double. We were in the barn and so I was like what the heck. He got on behind me and we started walking. Have you ever gotten that little voice in your head that says you should quit something. Well, I got it right then. And guess what? I ignored it. What a stupid little child. Three seconds later Misstack bucked and my brother fell off... and he landed on his feet. Who does that?! Well, I told him he had to get back on so he did and she bucked again after a few steps. This cycle went on at least five more times. Then my brother had the idea to try a little monkey in the tree. We have this rope in the barn just for that purpose and I agreed if not a little hesitantly. It definiteley did not end well. My brother had gotten a hold of the rope and Misstack freaked out because of the rope. She didn't buck but she did back up. Really quickly. Jorgen got back on one more time and this time I didn't ask Misstack to move. We ended there. Always Listen To Your Little Voice! Terry was not happy when I told him about it. I know what I should have done instead though. I should have just got my brother on once, stood still, and then left it that way. It's what I did with Santana. He takes a second rider, at the walk anyway, just fine.
This was with Terry's granddaughter. She was going to go to a parade with Misstack so she trailrode over to the parade. One problem. It was Misstack's first trailride. Remember how I keep tellin ya that Misstack's a nut job? Well this is what happened. She was maybe halfway to the parade and Misstack freaked. She bucked her rider off and then jumped into a barbed wire fence. And then ran home. Terry's granddaughter got a broken wrist. Misstack got a gash on her front leg right above the hoof. There is now a patch there that doesn't have any hair.
Another thing Misstack did wih the same rider was at fair time three years ago. They got into the arena and probably got into the canter and then Misstack exploded. Terry's granddaughter ended up with big bruises on the inside of her legs. Man that girl can buck. I've seen her after she's been cooped up in the barn for a while. She starts bucking. Seriously she jumps into the air from a standstill. All four feet off the ground. And that's the horse I want to ride in an upcoming show. Fun. Actually, I do think it will be fun. Go right ahead, call me crazy.

I seriously think God's been watching out for me though. I hadn't realized how many close calls I've had. I've never broken anything riding horses. I've never worn a helmet either.
I'm sorry if this discourages anyone from ever riding again. Horses do happen to be unpredictable creatures and there is no such thing as a bomb proof horse. I personally have found horses to be extremely rewarding. So, if you're willing to take on the danger of riding horses enjoy it with every thing you've got. The joy I have had riding rivals almost anything else.

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