Saturday, June 8, 2013

Silly Girl

I went to Terry's early. Noon to be exact. It was sprinkling when I left, but I went anyway. I left early because I had a graduation to go to that afternoon and wanted to get the fillies ridden.
Terry and I called the horses in, and this time they came though it took them a while to decide. When they did decide they were really slow about it.
Catching the fillies was really easy like it always is.
I rode Dash first. Actually we longed on the ground for a little bit before I got on. Then I asked Terry to lead her around and she went nice. Then I asked her to go without someone leading. She wasn't quite as willing to do that. I didn't want to scare her, but I think I need to get over being so light with my last cue. Make it hard enough to have some effect, and light enough to not scare the crap out of her. Sound like a plan?
Toffy went really well. We walked around by ourselves. Then Terry longed. She was being a big pain and wasn't trotting. After a little while of her being a pill we just went and got the longe whip. Then she went into a nice little trot. She was very good.  A couple more days and we'll do it on our own.
Coffie was brilliant. She trotted beautifully. She did it when I asked and kept it up.
Frosty was a little less than brilliant. I was walking her around and she kept arching her back. I asked Terry to lead her.
"She keeps arching her back." Terry leads her forward. "There, she did it again."
"That's just the rise in the floor."
"Ya right. You wanna get on and see if it's the 'rise in the floor'?"
Terry longed her too with me on her and she still arched her back. We tried trotting, but she wouldn't do it. We put her away and then I looked at the back cinch.
"How tight was that?" It was loose enough to cause her to worry about it. I think I still might longe her with the back cinch.
We made plans for tomorrow's show. We washed Dash's legs. It was her first time getting a bath. It didn't take too long to get her used to it. Then we walked around. I love that horse. She followed me right in between two trailers with not much more space than two feet. Then backed out calmly.
Terry was filling up the water tank on the horse trailer and he moved the hose which scared Dash a little bit. She spooked a tiny bit and looked at me like, "Don't let it hurt me." Silly girl.

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