Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saddle Seat!

Hey everyone,
Here's a little something on saddle seat. It's one of those disciplines that you've never heard of and there's very little written about it. I only know of two books that have been written specifically for this discipline. So, for all you people who are just  getting started in saddle seat or who just want to know what the heck it is; I'll explain.
Saddle seat was originally used to ride to church because of the horse's really high stepping action and all around beautiful appearance. Saddle seat was originally the most common type of riding, but someone introduced a knew type of English saddle, I think the hunt seat, and it caught on like crazy. So now there aren't a lot of people who ride saddle seat.
The saddle seat's position on a horse is put farther back to free up the horse's shoulders, but the girth still stays in the same place. It's also a longer and flatter type of saddle so when one goes to ride it looks more like sitting on a chair, but the feet should never be in front of the girth. The bridle is actually a double bridle; there's a snaffle (they're usually thinner than your average snaffle) and a curb bit. If anyone wants to know how to hold the reins please ask and I will make a video for you.
As far as the position of the rider; the stirrups should hit your ankle when your leg hangs and maybe one notch lower. Depends on how comfortable it is for you. The lower leg is kept off the horse's barrel unless you are giving a cue.Your heels do not line up with your hip, shoulder, and ear.
When posting in a regular English saddle your posting more forward and back and the action is coming from your whole leg. In Saddle seat you post more up and down with the action coming from clenching your knees and thighs against the horse. The lower leg does not touch the horse at any time.  This is also how to post bareback, but it's really hard to do at first because it takes a lot of thigh muscle. I feel like I'm forgetting something. Oh! The arms! I heard it explained as they should look like you're holding a beach ball between your arms. That means your elbows are in, but not actually touching your sides. Saddle seat horses should lower and raise their head to make it in line with how high your hands are. If anyone wants to know how to hold the reins in a double bridle please ask and I will make a video for you.
So, there's your rundown of saddle seat. If your still having trouble picturing it go on youtube and observe how the great competitors do it. That will help a lot. If anyone wants to see me ride Saddle Seat while explaining all the above information I would be more than happy to make a video. Also if there are any people out there who ride saddle seat and notice I have something a bit off  or just want to add some more info please comment. I would love to know more about this flashy style of riding.

Enjoy your riding!

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