Sunday, December 30, 2012


I am going to be really sore tomorrow. I am happy though. I rode Santana bareback and Aleythia took a video. I was having a hard time being able to stay on Santana's trot, but I think I'm getting it. I just have to remember that I can clench with my knees and still go with the movement of my horse. With bareback riding you almost have to slouch. Learning how to ride bareback makes you feel like you've never seen a horse before. It is getting better though, and I am determined to be able to do everything with Santana bareback.
I attempted cantering him and it really helped that the first time I asked him to canter I didn't fall off. I did notice that he was swishing his tail and it almost looked like he was bucking. He looked like a teeter totter. After that I just got him more riled everytime I asked him to canter. Probably because I'm riled about it. Terry thinks that the reason Santana swishes his tail at me all the time is because he doesn't like all the bouncing I do. I can see that.

I did have a very nice canter with Santana at the end though. It was beautiful and surprising. He even made a turn and I didn't fall off!

One thing was a little nerve wracking though. I decided that I didn't feel like driving the fillies today and so in order to get out of the monotiny of it I would do something different. Like ride! I saddled up Toffy and got on. I wanted to teach her that thing I saw on Mugwump.
Aleythia led Toffy to the gate while I was on and when she got to the gate she felt that Toffy was too close. She wanted her to back up, but she wouldn't, so she applied more pressure. And then Toffy freaked. She was bucking and rearing and hoppin around. Her bucking was not that hard to stay onto. Then my saddle started slipping... So I was bucked off and I landed right beside her in a snowdrift. I paused for a second and then out of the corner of my eye I saw Toffy rearing almost right above me. I scrambled out as quick as I could. I paused again and looked back at her and she was still way to close for comfort. I scrambled out to a safer distance, got up and watched her until she quit bucking. Aleythia had just let go of the lead rope and we just watched. She quit and the saddle ended up being shoved up past her withers. Other than that she was fine, and lucky for me so was I... Thankyou Lord... I led Toffy into the paddock and did a little bit of luneging I even had her canter. Nothing. She trotted and cantered beautifully. So Aleythia and I were just like what's her problem then? We didn't know and I got ready to get back on but before I did that I figured I should flap her stirrups. She jumped away from that really quick. It only took a little more time to get her to not freak out over the stirrups and then I got on. I had a whip in my hand and the halter and lead rope in the other. It was kinda a challenge to get her to go in the direction I wanted. She did walk when I kissed to her (my second que, the first being a squeeze with the legs), and she carried me extremely easily. She even trotted though I was not okay with that. The problem I had with trying to get her to go the direction I wanted is that she wanted to go to the gate where she could get out. I ended up having Aleythia go get another lead rope so that I could at least be able to put her in the right direction. I think what I'll do next time is ride in the little pen behind the barn. I won't have so many obsticals to work around then and I can just work on getting her to turn without worrying about her running off.
Thinking about her bucking fit it could have been prevented. I didn't prepare her enough. It's been a while sense she's worn a saddle. There were also a couple warning signs. The first was when Aleythia put the saddle blanket on. Toffy jumped at that. The second was when I got on. She didn't feel relaxed. The third was how she wasn't listening to Aleythia. How could I have prevented her bucking episode? Well, I could have desensitized before I got on. And do a little bit of ground work. It would have been so easy. It would have probably taken a grand total of five minutes and she never would have bucked.
The lessons we remember the most are the ones where we got it wrong the first time.
But here are some really nice pictures of beautiful little Toffy.

and others...
santana was laying down when we came

poor Ana

Friday, December 28, 2012

Cowgirls Dont Cry Part II

So, lets see...
I thought of another thing with Santana.
I was in the paddock with all the other horses and I think I wanted Santana to stand still when I walked up to him to say hello. You see he would always walk away with a very unpleasant expression on his face. Like he wanted to be left alone.
Well when he started walking away I followed him and then he turned around and bit me. Oooh he got it. I was lucky in the fact that it was the middle of winter so I was wearing my winter coat. I didn't realize until I got home that he had actually torn my jacket. So, now there's a cute little horsey right where the tear is. I actually don't have that coat anymore though.
That story reminds me of Flicka.
I was in her stall doing who knows what and all the sudden she lays her ears back and bites me. Curious how I've only been bit by a horse when I'm wearing a coat. I slapped her nose good and hard for that. Never had a problem sense. Ya know almost all the baby horsies have to try that on you at least once. A few of the fillies have tried it, but it wasn't very hard and a slap on the nose gets them over it real quick.
Flicka also tried to kick me once. I was with Aleythia and a boy who was in the same class as me. Fifth grade maybe? Well, we were out in the alfalfa field and I have no idea why but Flick bucked out at me. It never came in contact but I felt the air of her hoof flying past my face.
I also remember falling off Flicka riding bareback and I think Aleythia was leading her. I think we were leading her away from the horses and by that time she had learned that we couldn't keep her from running away so she bucked me off and ran back to the herd. That's the only time I can ever remember falling off Flicka.

Blacky was always fun. She was the first horse I ever rode and man was she a handful. It took some muscles to get her to slow down. She has always worn a hackmore and she definitely tried to get away with as much as she could. I probably fell of her much more often than I can remember. The only one I can remember though is because of her saddle. She wore a little pony saddle and it didn't really fit that well. Cinch it up as tight as you want it'll still end up crocked. It never helped that she had a lot of hair either. I was riding along and the saddle was slipping. I fell off because I couldn't get the saddle upright again and she ran off with the saddle upsidown on her back. That's one of the reasons we want the fillies used to the saddle beneath them. It's less dangerous if there at least not afraid of the saddle beneath them.

We've had trouble with Ana's saddle doing the same thing. We've tried almost four of our saddles on her and maybe this last one is finally gunna work. Before that the saddle would always slip. Cantering was the worst. I've never fallen off because of it, but man it could get pretty far.
Have I ever told you how scary Ana is to ride bareback? Seriously. So first you're riding this horse that doesn't really have breaks and has very little concern for you falling off. Her trot is floaty. It's really nice to watch not so much to ride bareback. Once you master it though it it a lot of fun. The first time I tried riding her bareback outside was really scary. All she wanted to do was trot and I was not ready for that. I just did an emergency dismount and went back in the barn to ride. I've done that dismount maybe twice.
There was one time I was riding her in the pasture and I was having a really bad time. So, finally I just let her go. We were heading back to the barn and she just ran. It rivaled Santana. And it would have been fun if I hadn't of felt like I was seeing my life flash before my eyes. My seat was pricarious and adrenalin was just pumping through me like electricity. Heightened by the fact that we were running straight towards the barn wall and I wasn't sure how I would get her throught that tiny little gate back into the paddock without killing myself. I was also underneath trees and some of those branches were low. It was alright because I think when we were really close to that wall she slowed down a tinsey little bit and I was able to turn her and avoid going through that stupid little gate.

And then there's Misstack. I've been bucked off by her once, but oh can I tell you about the stories of what she's done to other people.
The one time she bucked me off is one you probably already know. I was trailriding with Aleythia and Aleythia's horse, Ana, wanted to go faster. Of course. I didn't want Misstack to go faster though and she did. Not a good combination. It resulted in her getting into a trot, me pulling back, and then her bucking. I hit the ground on my back. Got up and walked around a little bit. That was not a good feeling. I was fine though so I gave Misstack a little bit of a lesson in manners and got back on.
She also doesn't like it when I ask her for a sharp turn when she wants to gallop. She bucked then too. I stayed on though.
Another thing she did was when my older brother came to ride. I saddled up three horses for him. Misstack included. She was a doll actually. She didn't do anything stupid and she was actually really nice. I figured she would be. If she's in a familiar place she's a perfect little angel. Sorta. Well my older brother suggested that we ride double. We were in the barn and so I was like what the heck. He got on behind me and we started walking. Have you ever gotten that little voice in your head that says you should quit something. Well, I got it right then. And guess what? I ignored it. What a stupid little child. Three seconds later Misstack bucked and my brother fell off... and he landed on his feet. Who does that?! Well, I told him he had to get back on so he did and she bucked again after a few steps. This cycle went on at least five more times. Then my brother had the idea to try a little monkey in the tree. We have this rope in the barn just for that purpose and I agreed if not a little hesitantly. It definiteley did not end well. My brother had gotten a hold of the rope and Misstack freaked out because of the rope. She didn't buck but she did back up. Really quickly. Jorgen got back on one more time and this time I didn't ask Misstack to move. We ended there. Always Listen To Your Little Voice! Terry was not happy when I told him about it. I know what I should have done instead though. I should have just got my brother on once, stood still, and then left it that way. It's what I did with Santana. He takes a second rider, at the walk anyway, just fine.
This was with Terry's granddaughter. She was going to go to a parade with Misstack so she trailrode over to the parade. One problem. It was Misstack's first trailride. Remember how I keep tellin ya that Misstack's a nut job? Well this is what happened. She was maybe halfway to the parade and Misstack freaked. She bucked her rider off and then jumped into a barbed wire fence. And then ran home. Terry's granddaughter got a broken wrist. Misstack got a gash on her front leg right above the hoof. There is now a patch there that doesn't have any hair.
Another thing Misstack did wih the same rider was at fair time three years ago. They got into the arena and probably got into the canter and then Misstack exploded. Terry's granddaughter ended up with big bruises on the inside of her legs. Man that girl can buck. I've seen her after she's been cooped up in the barn for a while. She starts bucking. Seriously she jumps into the air from a standstill. All four feet off the ground. And that's the horse I want to ride in an upcoming show. Fun. Actually, I do think it will be fun. Go right ahead, call me crazy.

I seriously think God's been watching out for me though. I hadn't realized how many close calls I've had. I've never broken anything riding horses. I've never worn a helmet either.
I'm sorry if this discourages anyone from ever riding again. Horses do happen to be unpredictable creatures and there is no such thing as a bomb proof horse. I personally have found horses to be extremely rewarding. So, if you're willing to take on the danger of riding horses enjoy it with every thing you've got. The joy I have had riding rivals almost anything else.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Snow! I Love You!

I honestly don't understand. It does not help my self esteem to fall off every time I ask Santana to canter when bareback.
First I just could not get a hold of his trot. It was just a pain trying to stay on. I don't know if he's just wiggly or I really can't stay on. Then I was like ya know, I want to canter. So I lined him up to the fence and the part of the paddock with the most snow. I have not had very good experiences with getting him to canter bareback.
I asked him to trot and then a canter. He was way too strung out and I still urged him into a canter. And then I don't know what happened. I think that maybe he does a little buck or something because I always end up on the ground. I landed on pillows. No seriously when I fell of I landed in a big snow drift and was kinda surprised because usually when I fall off a horse the impact hurts a little more than that. I landed on my back which hurts a tinsey little bit.
Maybe I should have Aleythia video tape it. It might give me an idea as to how to fix the problem. Or maybe I just need to get better at trotting before moving on to the canter. (sigh) If I can learn how to ride Santana bareback I'll be set to ride almost anything.

I was reading in Mugwump about how horse A gets Horse B to move (read here). A lot of the time Horse A doesn't care were Horse B goes as long as Horse B is out of Horse A's space. But when Horse A does want Horse B to go somewhere she'll bite Horse B. For example if Horse A wants horse B to go faster Horse A will get closer and bite Horse B on the rump. Slower? Horse A fades off a little bit. Left or right? Horse A will bite Horse B's neck or ribs in the desired direction. The head never comes into play. All this means is that we should be able to direct horses while riding the way another horse would. Without the help of a bridle. Mugwump explains it so much better than me so, go read it!
My thought on this was first I have experienced it before. Remember the time I got on Ana bareback and bridleless in the pasture. And remember how she hated it? I understand why. It's because she was being bossed around via me. She was being told what to do like she would be told by another horse. This was something she totally understood and responded the way she would respond to another horse. One of these days I am going to have to really experiment with that on her.
My second thought was maybe I want to train the fillies that way from the start. Their very first actual ride won't include a bridle. Just me, a saddle, and a crop. I'll probably have a halter and lead rope too just for my safety, but I won't use them. The crop is so that I can emulate a horse's bite much easier than what I could do without. I am seriously going to enjoy doing it. The fillies taught how to go without a bridle from the start. Love it!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Cowgirls Don't Cry Part I

I'm looking for something to do. That being the case I will start my close calls post.

Ok, I mentioned the one of being backwards on Santana.
And the one of getting on him bareback.
So I'll go over all the ones I can remember with Santana.
Ok, so when I first started riding him he hadn't been ridden for at least three years and was kinda a disaster waiting to happen. Terry said he was mellower than what he was... I can't remember the reasons, but every once in a while he would go into a bucking fit. The most prominent memory I have of one of his bucking fits is of him wanting to go back into the paddock from the pasture, and I wanted him to be calm in the pasture. So, I turned him away. This turned him to exploding into bucking. I was a better rider by then and I was able to stay on, but he bucked like five times.
I'll try to give you an idea how bad Santana really was. He bucked often enought that I would judge how much better I was at riding by how many of his bucks I could stay on.
Do you know about the story of why Aleythia doesn't ride Santana?
I was riding our little black pony Blacky and Aleythia was riding Santana. Well we kinda got into a race and a few strides out Santana bucks... and Aleythia falls off. She gets back on and a little bit later he bucks again. She falls off. She gets back on and after a little bit Santana bucks again, and Aleythia falls off. After that she didn't get back on. The only reason being was because her arm was hurting a little bit. Terry's granddaughter was there, so she got on and when he bucked he got it good. He quit bucking after that. And that's when Aleythia stopped riding Santana. It's not that she's afraid to ride him, she just doesn't. Terry thought that it was because he was just a one person horse. There has been times when I think that might have been true even though it's not anymore.
When I broke my leg (not from horses), I wasn't able to ride for at least six weeks. I was consoled a little with all the horse magazines Terry gave me, but I still was itching to ride. When I no longer had to wear my brace I asked the doctor about riding and he said that if it was a safe enough horse I could ride. My first thought was Flicka because she wouldn't do anything but walk anyway. When I got to the horses and told Terry I could ride he wanted me to ride Santana instead of Flicka because Terry felt that he would be safer. His reason being that while I was indisposed he had a few girls who wanted to ride (relatives I think). So he got out Blacky and Santana. Black went fine. Santana? They couldn't get him to move. Like seriously Terry tried he just wouldn't go. He was the first horse I got on after six weeks of being unable to ride. He was perfect. I guess I felt like he knew that I just wanted an easy ride and he gave me one. 
Now done with this touch feely stuff let's go back to the guts and glory.
Once again I was riding Santana bareback and I wanted him to be able to carry two people. So, to help him get used to it I slid back a little ways on his back and asked him to walk. He went out fine five steps later I was on the ground.
Another time I was also riding bareback and I think I wanted him to canter. That didn't go over to well. He bucked and I landed with my head under his stomach. I got up really quick and he reared. Somehow I had kept ahold of his short little barrel reins and when he reared it jerked on his mouth so I let go of the reins, and then he was fine.
I was riding Santana in the alfalfa field with Aleythia who was on Flicka. We were nearing the end of the alfalfa field and I just let Santana go. He started bucking. I didn't have a very good seat to begin with so that didn't help my situation. The first thing that happened was I lost my left stirrup. After that I knew it was a lost cause to try and stay on, so I let go of the reins and dove head first to the right. I hit the ground and Santana was already gone. He was running toward the barn with his head high and his tail flagging. I just sat there and watched him run. Got up and walked back to the barn. He had stopped by the trailer and I got back on and rode around for a little bit. But the idea of getting on again scared me just a little bit.
Then at fair time this year I fell of twice. One I have a video of and you can probably remember it. I was doing jumping figure eight and at the end of our run I decided to late which way I wanted to go so he picked a direction and then I picked. It looked like I fell off on purpose. The other time we were trying to figure out the order for 4-in a line, and Black was in the front. She took off and the other horses followed. We came within sight and hearing of the fair rides and it's like he stepped right out from under me. Santana ran and would probably have gone back to the trailer if he hadn't have been caught. That is why it's nice to do everything with your horse starting and ending at the trailer. The horse will just run to the trailer when he's escaped because he sees it as a good place and a familiar place.
Not too long ago I cantered him with no stirrups and when he turned I just fell off. I am trying to improve my riding with him so stuff like that doesn't happen. Bareback riding here I come.

You may think I'm crazy, but I still love to ride that stupid horse.  I think it helped that every time I fell of I always got back on. People always tell you that you have to get back on after you fall of because other wise the horse thinks he won. That's not the reason I get back on. I get back on for my sake. If I had never gotten back on Santana every time he threw me off riding him would scare the livin daylights outa me.
Ok, I have many more of these sort of stories to tell, but this post is getting too long. I can't think of anymore from Santana (there are probably quite a few more), but I've got ones from Blacky, Misstack, Ana, and even Flicka that I do remember.

Merry Christmas!!!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Get Over It.

Mwahhaha! You'll never guess what I did today! And I'm not gunna tell you until I go through the other stuff first. Mwahahaha!

So, Aleythia rode Ana bareback
Do you see that white stuff? It's called snow, and we finally got it!

And I guess she was pretty good.
While Aleythia rode Ana I was driving Coffie. Nothing exiting going on there... she only bucked twice... ok, ok. I had asked her to trot and we we trotted a little ways and then she bucked. Lucky for me I was far enough away that she didn't get me. Hmm I have quite a few close calls with horses... But anyway... Aleythia said that her buck looked pretty. I didn't really do anything because I was kinda surprised. I mean seriously why would she buck?

The next time I asked her to trot she bucked again. This time I had more space between me and her. So she trotted... few steps later.... BUCK! So in the split second it took for me to look at her I processed that I had reins in my hands... that were across her back... so, I used them. Took my end of the reins and slapped the rein against her butt. I think she was kinda surprised, but she didn't buck after that.

Does this look like an evil horsy?
This is the "scab" that coffie has on her back. It was were she had ringworm. It's flaky. We don't think that it's ringworm.
I rode Santana bareback. I do believe that I am sorta getting how to ride his trot. A little tip. Don't hold onto the horse's mane. I couldn't use his mane because I was riding him in a  snaffle with two reins, so I rode two handed. For some reason it pulls you more off balance than it helps. What you need to do when riding a horse's trot is sit back on your jean pockets. If you lean forward at all you'll loose your balance.
 And as long as were on the topic of tips... if you're gunna get cowboy boots and you live in an area that gets ice don't get a smoothe soled boot. You'll regret it, like me. This will become the story of your life... you step on anything that has a slant and there you are on your butt. Another thing. Corral boots are not the best thing to do work in. Standing for more than 10 minutes? Absolutley not. The next time I get boots I will get a square toe, traction on the soles, and a lower heel.
 He looks pudgy :/
And now the grand finale!!!!
I rode Misstack BAREBACK!
The idea of riding Misstack bareback scared me. I mean I don't know what she'll do and I have no desire to get bucked off. She doesn't like someone riding double. Like seriously she doesn't. She bucked my brother off.
So because of experiences with Santana and getting on bareback... (I'll tell story's a little later), I took my hand and did a drum roll on her back. Terry gave me a leg up and I just layed over her back on my stomach. Then I swung my leg over. I did flexing and it was fun! I kinda felt secure on her back. Another goal checked off.
So, about the story with Santana.
Well, I bridled him up and asked Terry for a leg up. He swung me up there and I landed on Santana's back... BUCK, BUCK! Fun right? I actually can't even remember if I stayed on. And another time I had him tied up to our trailer and I just went to rotating on his back. I was on him side saddle and I was gunna swing my foot over his back. Well, when he felt my foot on his back he arched his back like he was gunna buck. And being the semi stupid kid I did it again. So I was on him backwards and then... he bucked... sufficed to say I do remember how that ended. Not with me on. And the only thing I got was a big bruise on my elbow. One of my close calls.
On one of those boring days I will have to make a post reminiscing on all the close calls I've had.

Monday, December 17, 2012

15 Minutes of Awesomeness

So I got the second video up. Click this to see it. I especially liked the video because it showed that Ana is still hyper. You can see she wants to go, but she still stands. We have basically taught her a different way to stop and she has learned it quite well.
If there is anything on the video that doesn't make sense please ask me about it. Sometimes I'll explain something to Aleythia and she gets what I mean even if it doesn't make sense to the rest of the world.
I rode Santana and it was an extremely short ride. I'd say less than 10 minutes. I just worked on getting him to do one reign stops while walking. He was doing really good and I was getting a little cold so, I called it good.
I ground drove Toffy and Frosty out in the paddock.
Toffy was pretty good she is shaking her head less and her back ups are awesome! I'll pick up on the reins and say back. She'll tuck her nose and back and I can't really feel the pressure on the reins.
Frosty though wasn't very good. She started out fine and then after a few times of stopping she refused to back up. It was getting dark and I spent the next half hour working with her anyway. I did flexing with her and she took forever to stop leaning on the bit. When she finally did get it it wasn't too bad after that. The other side wasn't bad either. So I did some more driving with her. And she really didn't want to go beyond a certain point in the paddock when I pointed her towards the pasture fence. She did to better after that. Her stopping was better than when we began and so was her backing up. I led her back into the barn and she kept looking behind her towards the pasture and running in front of me. I couldn't see anything, but it might have been why she didn't want to go towards the pasture.
Aleythia worked with Dash and Coffie and she just did ground work with them. She thinks that once a week we need to go back and review the ground work. I think that would probably be a good idea. It will help them to get better at the ground work.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ana's Improvement

Ana in the summer of 2011... I think...
Aleythia is riding Ana in this video. Ana has two gaits. Canter and Trot. I think we got her desire to canter out of the way so now she just wants to trot. And now she has one more. WOAH!!! It's great.

I'll get another video on this post, but I just wanted to see if the video worked.

Finally. Here it is!


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Love it!!

Do you know how happy one thing of doing nothing makes me? Yep, it's pretty awesome. Ana stood still...
I caught Ana in her stall and led her to the trailer. I brushed her with a metal curry comb and then a hard brush. Every time she moved I moved her back. I put Misstack's bridle on her and her black saddle with a blue saddle pad, and swung up. She layed her ears back at me when I moved around so, I moved around more. Eventually she stopped pinning her ears at me so I undid the halter around her neck. And we just sat there. After a little while I asked her to walk. When we were in the more open section of the barn I asked her to flex her head to the side. A few times of that and I knew that she was just gunna stand there. So I let her. Whenever I thought she was even remotely close to moving I pulled her nose to my foot. So I probably rode her for 15 min and we moved twice. And each time I had asked her to.  Once to get her away from any wall and another to figure out whether or not she was faking me out. Perfect little girl.
I think I will cross out getting Ana to stand still in my goals.

The other horses didn't do to bad either.
I'll  start getting Santana to flex to a stop from walking and trotting and Misstack's a little better with her flexing, but I'm going to perfect it a little while more before I start riding.
I desensitized Frosty to a cat food bag while driving and I just used a halter for that.
Dash had some bridling issues and I fixed those, Coffie didn't want to stand still, so I worked on it. She needs quite a bit more work.
Toffy is still flinging her head when she feels the pull of the bit, but stops pretty good and does a really nice back up.
So, I am proud to say that I worked with all seven horses today.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Stupid Titles...

So, my first thought is.... What do you do with a horse that has been abused, and doesn't take real well to round penning? So, my real question is to round pen, or to not?
I think that if you take the time to get that horse used to people like doing quite a bit of desensitizing to objects, round penning shouldn't be a problem.
This isn't for me, just something I read in uncatchable number 257
I think there's a bird stuck in my window... yep, I suppose I should fix that...
It was stuck between two glass panes. It did get out again, and we pushed up the window pane so that there wasn't a gap.

Well a little filly update. I drove Dash in a bit, or rather Terry did. She wasn't too bad for the first time. I had her flex in the bridle first so that she knew to give to the pressure and she was getting it.
Toffy is doing really well in the bit. She still does a little bit of the head flinging when she feels the pressure of the bit, but it's not too bad. Her stops are beautiful. I have a feeling that she will have a great sliding stop. Backing up is getting better. She'll fling her head maybe twice, tuck her head, and back up a few steps. It doesn't take much.

Then Ana... Well yesterday Aleythia spent more than half an hour just putting the bridle on. She didn't like it when Aleythia put her hand under her chin or over her nose, so she worked on that. After that when she got the bridle on she did one reign stops. Aleythia stopped when Ana stood still for almost 20 seconds. Woot woot!!!

Misstack is getting better with flexing, but she still has problems paying attention to me. It is getting better. She flexes a lot better on her right side than her left. Her right side is almost like what Santana does. Once she gets flexing down consistently I will ride. She's got everything accomplished other than that. Which reminds me I should look on that DVD on barrel racing as to what I am supposed to do after they can do everything on a loose rein.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Just so you know I did make it to the horses' yesterday.
I also made it to the horses' today.
Oh, did I tell you that Terry's brother got another horse. It's a white quarter horse, and is about 16 years old. I don't know the gender. Unfortunately I haven't seen the horse yet.
I worked with Misstack today and she is getting better with her flexing. I decided that another reason she isn't real good at it is because she is focused on everything else but me. So I made it a little more uncomfortable to not listen to me. When I wanted her to flex and I saw that her eye wasn't looking at me I took the end of my lead rope and made her move her hindquarters over really fast. After a few times of that she was listening to me a little better and was also flexing a little better.
I didn't work with Santana and Ana ;(
And Toffy didn't do too bad with the bit. She didn't like the pressure, so once again I went back and did flexing with the bridle and that helped. She still has a problem with stopping. When she feels the pressure of the bit pulling back she flips her head up until it stops. And I just have to live with it. It's not like I can really do anything to fix it. It will get better with practice anyway.
Coffie still needs practice in a halter. I think I got my point across with stopping though. I did one rein stops whenever she started to go after I had asked her to stop. That is not an easy task when you have to hold six feet of driving lines, and your lines have to go through rings on the harness. Oh, and you're standing behind your horse.
We're going to move Dash up to a bit too. And with all four I think I want to start making noises behind them.
It should prove entertaining.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Improvement is Welcomed

I wish I woulda worked with Misstack. I did everyone else, all six, except her. And she's the one who probably needed it the most. But I will go work with them tomorrow. I never go on Wednesdays. I have church, my student leadership meeting, and my quintet practice. And on top of all that I have school to go to. And tomorrow I have to be at church at 3:30 to help decorate a few signs for our Christmas play. So, I worked ahead in school. I have to skip the student leadership meeting and my quintet practice. And I will go to Terry's around 11:30. By the way I am home schooled, but I have one class at my high school, which is FFA, and I do plan to go back to the high school. So, if you want to know what's involved with homeschooling just ask.
I am actually really happy that I was able to work with Ana today. When I first got her out when I wanted her to back up, she was s-l-o-w. So, I grabbed the whip and whacked her a couple times. She backed up pretty nice. I made her move those feet as quickly as she could. After that I saddled her up, got on, and did one rein stops the entire half hour that I rode her. And she wasn't really good at it.
While I was riding I explained to Terry why we did one rein stops. And that was kinda fun. He likes to know why we do what we do.
Near the end of my training session I would flex her head to one side, let loose when she did it, then dare her to move. I just sat there and then right before I felt she would move I would flex to the other side and repeat. She was really good at flexing by the end. She leaves her head vertical to the ground when I flex her head from side to side. And she does it right away. Beautiful girl.
Frosty is getting extremely good at driving in the bridle. She stops really well. One problem I have come across in driving these fillies, is that when we start walking outside they don't listen to me very well. So, I either get them really good at driving in the barn and then go out or drive outside anyway and get them used to driving in unfamiliar places. Hmm. I think I like the latter better. Oh and I'm thinking that Toffy could probably be put in a bit and that Frosty could pull something. The other two need a lot more work.
With Santana I think that I will start riding him and only do one rein stops for a while. And I'll keep working with Misstack on the ground until she gets better at flexing. (sigh)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Go/Dream BIG or Go Home

First, I am totally bumbed that I haven't worked with horses sense Thursday of last week. I am feeling horse deprived. Talking about horses with somebody helps though.

Turns out my brother in law (married to my oldest sister), we'll call him N, has my whole life planned out for me.
I'll go live in Montana close to Yellowstone National Park on a ranch. He'll get an eight hitch team of Clydesdales and drive them. He doesn't want to deal with them other than driving, so I'll take care of them. He'll build my barn, bale hay, make feed, and even take out the manure. I can even have my own operation with horses in another half of the barn. I'll have a guest bedroom just for him (and his wife/my sister) and hey, I'll even label the bedroom as his.
And then we started talking about how at one time we had planned the perfect Christmas... and the Clydesdales would help with that. We would have a cabin in the middle of nowhere, hitch up the Clydesdales, and go for a sleigh ride to the cabin. (N's going to build that too). We'll invite everyone over to my place and as my youth pastor put it "We'll double the population of Montana."
The reason for living near Yellowstone is so that he can go snowmobiling there. He loves his snowmobile.
Oh, and N will build his own wagon too. And it will be big...
I love this dream. And who knows, it might just happen.

The other cause for being not so bumbed out about not working with horses sense Thursday is that we had our first official FFA meeting in our little town. It has been about 25 years sense the last one. And it is kinda awesome because the whole community came together and donated money to get the FFA program up and running.
And just so you know this is not totally unrelated to horses (I've been doing that a lot lately). The main reason I joined FFA is that it is possible that I will be able to ride in the fair under the FFA name. So, I'm kinda excited bout that.
And I also signed up to be an officer for our chapter. I am what ya call a Parliamentarian. And I am not quite sure what my duties entail right now. I plan to be one of the officers until I am no longer able to be in FFA.