Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Fabulous Weekend!

Well I didn't go riding Saturday. My oldest sister and her husband were over Friday night and I told them I was sleeping over. Hehe. They were totally fine with that. It makes me laugh. So I went to their house for the weekend and cleaned it. My sister was very happy. I got to feed baby calves. My sister went to work so I went with my brother in-law to his parent's house and his cousins were over. I now have a small collections of funny stories.
I did ride horses yesterday. I almost didn't, then Aleythia got really frustrated with her homework and practically dragged me out the door. I rode Frosty first because I knew she would be the one who would want to canter, and I couldn't do that in the barn when it got dark. She is getting neck reining down pretty well.
I got Toffy to go over some feed bags too. Which is an improvement. I even got on her bareback and did it. I also went over the bags with Dash too. And we trotted a little bit too.
It's funny I don't think of my barrel horse as short, but he really is. Next to our fillies he is really, really short.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

I almost like riding in the winter... when it's not zero degrees.
I rode Misstack today. We had fun. I think she was just happy to be out and doing something. I tried riding her in an English saddle, and working on my two-point. One problem. It was a saddle seat, saddle. Which is completely flat and is designed to push the rider farther back into a chair seat position, and give the horse free range of his shoulders. Doing two-point is extremely difficult because there is nothing to even brace yourself against. A jumping saddle at least has a knee roll or whatever you call it. There is absolutely nothing. to. brace. against. For my purposes I shortened the stirrups. That helped. Hey, maybe I'll get even better balance because I'll have nothing to help me. I can do six steps of her trot in two-point before I lose my balance. Yay! Actually that's pathetic... I'm working on it.
Misstack had quite the lively trot going there too. I loved it! I tried to sit her trot too.... Let's just say it needs work. Lots of work.
I'll try to go riding tomorrow. And hopefully I'll have enough time to work with all of my horses. It'll be Friday!!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Winter Woes

If you're wondering about Coffie scroll down a little bit.
Not a whole lot is going on right now. We're teaching the fillies neck reining, and that's about all were focusing on right now. Wait. We are also working on getting them to go over random things. Nothing too complicated. Toffy needs the most work in that area. We're thinking that over the winter, if we are looking for something to do we'll train them further in driving. I might start doing a little work on the correct way to go around a barrel over the winter too. Though I might want them to be a little more adept at moving their hindquarters and shoulders before I do that.
It's been really cold. And we don't even have snow. Zero degrees, feels like negative eleven. If it was more mid winter, that wouldn't bother me so much, but it's still not real fun riding in that weather. The horses are getting an extended break. Though it bugs me to be inside all day. It is so boring.
I went and saw Burn'em this last week too. That filly I'm going to be training. She has a much better attitude than when I last saw her. She ran from me with the halter, but didn't start backing up when I put it on. I did a little lesson on lungeing which she is surprisingly good at. My fillies were all over the place. Not her. I also taught the girl I was with how to lunge. She'd never done it before.
They are thinking about also having me train their four year old. Not exactly sure what needs to be done with him. He apparently doesn't like people... and is afraid of brushes. I think they want him trained in barrel racing. We'll see how this all works out.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Post on Selling Coffie

Recently I put up a for sale add on craigs list for the fillies. I wrote this. "Well broke filly with a year and a half of training in western riding." My intention was to let people know what discipline of riding she was being trained in. What people thought I meant was that I had been riding them for a year and a half. They are two and a half and I got them as yearlings. They were not ridden as yearlings. For a year they had ground work 15 minutes a day. As two year olds they had very light riding. Less than 15 minutes and no hard work. I still consider their age when I do things with them. I am extremely conscious about how much I put them through and what affect it will have on their body.
I  am truly impressed though with how many people care about what happens to other people's horses. What I am not impressed with is how many people sent me hate mail. I accept constructive criticism. If you don't like how I do things tell me in a polite manner instead of sending me hate mail. Thank you to the people who asked about the post.