Saturday, February 9, 2013

Summer Plan

There is one thing I'm really looking forward to this summer. Well, more than one thing, but anywho. Aleythia and I are going to trail ride out to my oldest sister's place. It's around 15 miles away. She lives on a six acre farm just outside of a town that has nothing in it. Literally. There is nothing there but houses.  What we'll do is ride out in the morning and we'll go half a mile in the opposite direction so that we don't have to go through town. That also means that we'll add a mile onto our trip. We have our route all planned out. It'll be fun! I haven't decided how many horses we'll bring. The fillies will have quite a bit of riding by the time we do this and will be 2 years old. So we could bring them.  If we brang four horses that meant that we could switch horses on the way over. And we would be able to have my sister (E) and my brother-in law (N) ride. Trail ride maybe? I told N about riding one of the horses and he said they wouldn't be able to hold his weight. Ha!
We'll stay at their house for three or four days and then head home. Then there's everything else to plan. The horses will need water. They'll need a place to sleep. Food. E and N do have a barn. The place they live on did have horses, but the barn was made more for small livestock like sheep or maybe minis. But they do have a sort of shed that we could put them in at night. There is also an area in front of their house that would serve as a little pasture. The fence is wire. Not mesh, but in squares. There's also two apple trees in there. We're thinking with the water either ask Nate if he has something for it that they could easily hold sixty pounds of water. Or we could take a few buckets and hook them to that fence so that they couldn't tip them over and fill them up every couple of hours. The first thing would be way easier though. I don't think we'll have to worry about them having hay. If we do we'll just bring it over on a Sunday and store it in the barn. We'll also have to bring over the stuff we'll need to stay that long. Anything else I'm forgetting? I have a few friends in that area so we'll go visit them too. One of my friends has access to the lake. ?Nadaba con cabillos? (swimming with horses?) I'm practicing spanish. So if I make a random post in spanish.... almost sounds like fun.

We took care of the horses today for Terry because he had to go somewhere today. We do that sort of thing even if he's around. We didn't do much though. After we let the horses in Aleythia and I got out a couple of lawnchairs and sat in the pen with the fillies. They were a little wary of the folding chairs though. They freaked out when it hit the gate. When we got cold we went inside and watched TV. When we came back out to give the horses their feed the fillies had knocked over the folding chairs.

Stretch isn't doing to well. The last time we went to the horses' Terry had left him in the barn because he could barely walk. Today he was out but he's still in pain. This might be the year we lose the old boy.
I have pictures! I love photography.

ain't they adorable

santana and strudder

supper time!

I like these kind of photos

Random I know, but I  like the random side of photography

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