Monday, August 19, 2013

This Is How We Do It! (gangsta voice)

Fair is over!!! So glad. I love fair. I love getting to talk to people I haven't seen in a while, walking around, not going on the rides, and the horses. The reason I'm so glad it's over is because Aleythia and I have been at the fair sense Sunday of last week. And the fair doesn't even start 'till Tuesday. Sunday we had a horse show, Monday we worked at St. Pauls Lutheran food stand. Tuesday we worked at a booth selling pro-life t-shirts. Wednesday we worked at the booth again. Thursday we brought horses in, Friday was 4-H day, Saturday we showed, and Sunday I showed. I've pretty much lived at the fair all week. The only thing we did with the fillies was a halter class on Sunday. Toffy got first, Dash got second, Coffie got third, and Frosty got fourth. Terry's grandsons showed Dash and Frosty. Frosty was the youngest's 4-H horse so he did lead line with her. Aleythia, was leading and he was riding. They were lined up, and Aleythia was circling Frosty, and she decided to roll! Right in the middle of the class! The judge went over and said that Frosty must be really calm that she would roll in a place she's never been. She asked if she was a two year old, and then she asked if she could see her papers. We have yet to see what will come of that.
Today we went on a trail ride with one of my older sisters. We took, Frosty, Dash, and Toffie. We headed out towards the fair grounds, by way of the train tracks. We skirted the back side of the fair grounds, and followed a tractor trail. Well, we ended up running into a place where it was possible to get the horses to go into the stream. They went in eventually after we convinced them to stop eating the grass. They got in the creek, and immediately started pawing. We got them moving and five minutes later Frosty decides that laying down would be a good idea. My sister managed to get her up without getting too wet. Then Toffie decides that she needed to roll, and Aleythia can't get her up. She ended up actually getting off and stepping in the water, and she still couldn't get Toffie to get up. She went behind her and started clapping, and yelling. Toffie got up this time. But now Aleythia's boots were full of water. It was fun. I reaffirmed the fact that Dash is way too stiff. She does not give to the bit's pressure very well... And if she decides to gallop, it takes a while to slow her down. Aleythia discovered that Toffy can really speed up fast. She'll make a good barrel horse because of it.
When we got back it was maybe a half hour later, and we were sitting underneath one of the apple trees eating apples, when a lady and her granddaughter pulled up. They knew Terry and said that he had invited them over to ride. I called Terry to make sure he knew about it and that it would be okay, and I gave the granddaughter a little lesson. We got out Blacky and I gave her a crash course on the basics. Haltering, saddling, bridling, riding, ect. It was a lot of fun. She was a confident rider too. She loved trotting. She even cantered albeit accidentally. Blacky thought it was a good idea. I love Blacky. She knows exactly how much she should or shouldn't do depending on the rider. Yesterday she was being ridden by a little boy, and she just walked around real lazy like. Today she was like, let's mu fasa! She was trottin all over the place. The girl enjoyed herself immensely.

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