Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gone... Won't be Home Until Seven Tonight

I had an awesome Monday! No school (well, besides my online school). I didn't have to go to my highschool in the morning, so Aleythia and I went and visited a friend that I have known since first grade. I'll call her A.
A lives about six miles away from town, and it took us an hour and twenty minutes to get to her place. At one point we got lost. Like we weren't lost, but we didn't know where we were going. Well, we did eventually find it after we went through a couple fields and added another mile onto our trip.
Oh, and we were riding horses...

We left Terry's place at 10:00. Me on Misstack, and Aleythia on Ana. The first two miles were awful. Misstack spooked at the drain pipe, the cows, dump trucks, and a few unknown-to-me things. On the other hand, Ana was perfect. She had her head level and was just plowing along like the perfect little angel I know she can be.
When we didn't get lost, we were traveling on a dirt road and we could see the big electrical tower and we thought that we were too far over, because the senery looked wrong. So we stopped and discussed and decided that instead of continuing (where, half a mile down the road there sat A's place) we would go cross country into some harvested/plowed bean and corn fields.
We finally figured out which house we stopped at to get water the last time we were out this way (after a few wrong guesses), and from there we figured out the direction we should travel to get to A's house. In the distance we could see those tin bins, a few pig barns and what looked like the right formation of trees. We had found it. Still probably a half mile away, and me begining to hate the stupid plowed cornfield, but we found it.
We tied the horses to a couple trees, untacked, got water, and left them there until feeding time. From there we spent the next four hours hanging out with A and failing at Mario-Bro.
When we came back to feed them Ana had dug up a neat little circle around the pine tree she was tied to. I think she has anxiety problems.
We fed the horses and I tacked up Misstack so that A could ride. I led Misstack around while A rode and taught her the basics of riding.
When we were done we untacked again and went back inside for another half hour to keep failing at Mario-Bro.
Around 5:30 we left for home. It took us an hour and five minutes to get home and we cantered and trotted most of the way. There was very little light when we stepped into the barn, and it was even darker when Terry gave us a ride home.

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